Celebrating my work anniversary. Feeling thankful for this #workmilestone
I cannot believe a year has passed and I am so grateful for all the support, love, faith and understanding from family, friends, clients and colleagues. If you’re reading this, chances are you’re one of them.

My life today is so different from my past and I couldn't be happier in what I do.
A day in the life of a Virtual Assistant is so diverse.
The first month was overwhelming. I can still remember that feeling of, ‘OK, I’ve created my business. Now what?’. So, I joined every Facebook, business networking and LinkedIn group I could find to tell everyone that ‘I am here’. I'm sure my first pitch went down like a lead balloon but I did get some good connections.
It was a real challenge.
But you know what I learned over the year of being a VA?
No matter how difficult the task given to you, no matter how stressful the day will be, and no matter how busy you can get, there will always be something different tomorrow. You will then be amazed that you have accomplished something you merely thought was impossible and so much. And trust me… It is priceless! And it is a huge achievement!
I can just remember how happy I was when my first client praised me for doing such a good job and thanking me for helping them. It was so rewarding that I felt I could do anything! It gave me a good feeling of working together, my confidence was starting to grow again after many knocks to it.
What I love about being a VA is the pride that comes with running a successful business and the support of those around you, professionally and at home. I have never come across any other business sector that truly wants you to succeed.
Yes, it is the smallest one man business ever. You can have a handful of clients, as long as you know you can deliver. It’s not always easy and sometimes I'm thinking, 'what do I do here then?', but when you puzzle it out, use your experience and common sense, stand back and then look at what you've achieved, I couldn't be happier.
It is never easy stepping outside of your comfort zone but if you don't, you won't know what you can achieve. Push yourself and your limits because no one else is going to do it for you.
What I get from being a VA is flexibility that not everyone is lucky enough to have. I love being based at home and using the hours I’ve gained for better things.
The best thing about this last year was when I heard I was nominated for an award. I cannot think of the last time I literally just sat down in my chair and was speechless, looked out the window and thinking, ‘Now I know it is worth it’. My daily commute is now stepping over the furry friends that keep me company every day (my adorable cats, Scamp and Sasha) and feel so guilty when I get those, 'I'm still here human' eyes.
Working from home is fantastic. Would I change it? Not in a million years! Roll on the next chapter, whatever that may be. Lastly, and to all students who are getting those all important exam results today: "The only impossible journey is the one you never begin" (Tony Robbins, Everyday Power)
Helen Taylor